Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 45

Here's a funny story for you to start off your weekend with.

I remember going to my Grandma's house for Thanksgiving when I was little and eating her delicious turkey soup that she made with the turkey carcass the next day. I have always wanted to make turkey soup like my Grandma's, but the opportunity never presented itself. Until this week.

On New Year's Day my husband and I went over to his parent's house and his dad deep-fried a turkey that we had bought around Thanksgiving.  Ooh, was it good.  He gave me the carcass so that I could make soup with it.  On Monday morning I researched turkey soup recipes.  I wanted to make a broth with the the carcass and then make a soup out of that, but all I found were recipes that took chicken broth and then added turkey meat. The only thing I remember from my Grandma's recipe is that it had rice in it, and I didn't really find any recipes like that either.  So I just decided to make my own recipe up.  I put the turkey in the crock pot, threw in some vegetables and seasonings, filled it up with water and let it cook for a few hours. The broth that was created was fabulous.  I strained out the broth, pulled the meat from the bones, added some fresh vegetables and the turkey meat.  I added some lentils because they are my new favorite cheap food, and then I poured in the rice. I might have gotten a little excited when I poured in the rice, because when I checked it about 30 minutes later, the rice had expanded and filled the entire pot. No problem! I just added some more water and some chicken bouillon. 

We ate the soup for dinner, and it was delicious.

 It was also delicious on Tuesday when we had it for lunch, and also for lunch on Wednesday. 

Actually, it was delicious on Thursday as well.

And today.
And it will probably still be delicious when I have it for lunch tomorrow. In fact, if you would like to try my delicious turkey soup, there is still plenty in the refrigerator.  Yes, I made quite a bit of turkey soup.

There's an important lesson to be learned in this. When you cook rice it will expand 1 1/2 to 2 times its size depending on how much water you cook it with.  However, when given the opportunity, rice will expand much more than 2 times its size, and you might just be eating turkey soup for the rest of your life : )

Have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm...... Let me guess what will be the "Suprise" entree at ignite this week...... =D LOL
