I've been looking for a job for six months. Not constantly, but sometimes when the house was clean and we had food to eat and I had done everything I needed to do and somehow still had some energy left over, I would go to Netflix and put on a television show and get out my laptop and look for jobs.
Uuuuggh. It was awful.
Everything I was qualified for I didn't want to do. Out of a hundred jobs, a handful might seem like something I would be interested in, but then of course I wasn't qualified for them. When I found the rare combination of interest and experience, I would spend the lengthy process of filling out the application, only to never hear back from them again. I have some wonderful friends who kept their ears open and told me about jobs in their companies when they became available. I usually got a little farther with those, maybe even an interview, but then once again: nothing.
Time and time again I asked God, "Is it too much to ask to have a job that I would enjoy doing?" And time and time again God answered and said, "Find your worth, find your happiness, find your contentment in Me, because that is really the issue here, not your job." And of course, He was right. But of course, I'm not perfect, so my job did matter, more then it should. I felt stuck, trapped, like I would have to work yet another holiday season in retail, miss more birthday parties and small groups, and forever be tired.
And then came a small little ad with hardly any description, just that it was a part-time administrative position. I wrote about it on Day 122 (http://the365daysofjoy.blogspot.com/2012/09/day-122.html), because what caught my eye was that they wanted a hand-written letter instead of a resume sent. Two days after I sent it, I got a call for an interview for the next day. That was last Thursday. This morning at 8:00, I got a call.
I got the job.
Obviously I haven't started the job yet, but from the description it sounds like the perfect fit for me. My strengths, my interests, my ideal number of hours rolled into one package. This is a job I might actually enjoy going to, and not just go because I have to. I haven't said that in a long time. I was looking over the hiring booklet and almost got giddy when I saw that I get holidays off, and if the holiday is on a weekend I get Friday or Monday off. That might not seem like a big deal to you people, but it's a big deal to me. No more waking up at 5:00 in the morning. No more working overnight shifts. No more not knowing what my schedule looks like two weeks from now. I'm so happy!
To be honest, I don't feel like I had completely learned my contentment lesson from God yet. I was mentally prepared to have my job search drag on and on as I struggled to submit to God in this area of my life. But God's not like that. Lessons are important and sometimes they have to be learned the hard way, but God also loves to bless His children, especially when we least deserve it. He's not waiting for us to be perfect, because He knows we will never be, He's just waiting for the timing to be perfect. And although I'll never fully understand it, I'm so glad that He does.
May you find joy in God's perfect timing.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Day 124
Wow. No excuses, read this:
May you find joy in the true source of joy.
May you find joy in the true source of joy.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Day 123
Over the last couple of weeks there has been something that I have been thinking about a lot. It started when my husband and I were in Michigan for a wedding and then in Minnesota visiting his family. It was a fast trip: a few days here, a few days there, we never spent more than two nights in the same bed. We visited lots of wonderful people and even made made some new relationships. But I kept thinking to myself, "If only we had more time. If only we could spend a week with each group instead of a few hours or a day." If only.
I know many, many wonderful people. They fill my life. I see them at church, at small group, at Ignite, at work, at parties, at picnics and when visiting family. I am truly blessed by the people in my life. Not only that, I meet lots of people as well, many people that I would like to get to know better. But in spite of all that, there are also many, many wonderful people that I don't know well or don't know at all. This saddens me. I want to know everybody, know them well, and I can't do that. It's not physically possible. I only have 24 hours in my day, and so does everyone else. Even with the people I do know fairly well and see on a regular basis there still never seems to be enough time to spend with them.
But one day, there will be enough time. One day, long after our physical bodies have ceased to exist and the old earth has been replaced. One day, when our days are spent in the presence of our Lord and Savior, worshipping His holy name. One day, when we are in heaven, there will be enough time. There will be forever. We could spend a thousand years with one person and still have forever. We could spend a million years with another person and still have forever. We will have forever. For all the disappointment that this life brings, there is hope for us in the next. One day, there will be enough time to get to know all the wonderful people. And my hope is that you will be there, and that I will be able to spend a long enough time with you.
May you find joy in a future hope.
I know many, many wonderful people. They fill my life. I see them at church, at small group, at Ignite, at work, at parties, at picnics and when visiting family. I am truly blessed by the people in my life. Not only that, I meet lots of people as well, many people that I would like to get to know better. But in spite of all that, there are also many, many wonderful people that I don't know well or don't know at all. This saddens me. I want to know everybody, know them well, and I can't do that. It's not physically possible. I only have 24 hours in my day, and so does everyone else. Even with the people I do know fairly well and see on a regular basis there still never seems to be enough time to spend with them.
But one day, there will be enough time. One day, long after our physical bodies have ceased to exist and the old earth has been replaced. One day, when our days are spent in the presence of our Lord and Savior, worshipping His holy name. One day, when we are in heaven, there will be enough time. There will be forever. We could spend a thousand years with one person and still have forever. We could spend a million years with another person and still have forever. We will have forever. For all the disappointment that this life brings, there is hope for us in the next. One day, there will be enough time to get to know all the wonderful people. And my hope is that you will be there, and that I will be able to spend a long enough time with you.
May you find joy in a future hope.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Day 122
Today I was looking for jobs and I came across these instructions for applying: "Send a handwritten letter telling us why we should hire you. Include your name, address, phone and email so that we may contact you. Please do not call, come by the office or submit your resume at this time."
Unconventional: yes. Interesting: very. Since it was a job that fits my criteria, at least from the brief description given, I decided to give it a go. After typing endless information into little boxes, aptitude tests and employment history questions, it was actually quite enjoyable to do something different. There was one more reason I did it as well: I love writing.
When I say I love writing, I don't mean writing in the sense of what I am doing now, although I enjoy that as well. I love writing by hand. I love good pens to the extent that I am a pen snob. I love shaping letters perfectly and adding my unique flair to them. I actually have at least four different styles of hand-writing, depending on the occasion. Typing is fast, convenient and in a very literal sense perfect, but hand-writing can be beautiful in a way that typing never can. Hand-writing is an art, but sadly not many people see it like that any more. Writing by hand is usually considered a last resort whenever there isn't an electrical device to input information into. But not for me. I still prefer to write by hand whenever I get the chance. It's personal and unique, and it takes more effort, but it's also worth it.
May you find joy in beautiful writing.
Unconventional: yes. Interesting: very. Since it was a job that fits my criteria, at least from the brief description given, I decided to give it a go. After typing endless information into little boxes, aptitude tests and employment history questions, it was actually quite enjoyable to do something different. There was one more reason I did it as well: I love writing.
When I say I love writing, I don't mean writing in the sense of what I am doing now, although I enjoy that as well. I love writing by hand. I love good pens to the extent that I am a pen snob. I love shaping letters perfectly and adding my unique flair to them. I actually have at least four different styles of hand-writing, depending on the occasion. Typing is fast, convenient and in a very literal sense perfect, but hand-writing can be beautiful in a way that typing never can. Hand-writing is an art, but sadly not many people see it like that any more. Writing by hand is usually considered a last resort whenever there isn't an electrical device to input information into. But not for me. I still prefer to write by hand whenever I get the chance. It's personal and unique, and it takes more effort, but it's also worth it.
May you find joy in beautiful writing.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Day 121
It seems like a long time ago.
For me, 9/11 was almost half a lifetime ago. When I think about it that way, it seems like a very long time ago indeed. Even so, I remember it clearly just like everyone else.
11 years later, the shock has worn off; the sadness remains. Sadness will always remain when people lose their lives cruelly and ununnecessarily. So much has changed since that time. On the whole, I think we as a nation have moved on. Not moved on in the sense that we pretend it didn't happen or have forgotten, no, may it never be. We will always remember and honor the fallen and the heroes, but we have moved on in the way that we must, the way that is necessary. Tragedy is like getting a new tattoo: It hurts at the beginning, you think about it often, you will always carry it with you, but eventually it will fade a little bit and you won't think about it as much. Such is life: we get knocked down, then we get back up and learn how to live again. The greatest honor we can give to the fallen is to show that terrorism did not win that day.
Dedicated to the memory of the victims and heroes of 9/11.
For me, 9/11 was almost half a lifetime ago. When I think about it that way, it seems like a very long time ago indeed. Even so, I remember it clearly just like everyone else.
11 years later, the shock has worn off; the sadness remains. Sadness will always remain when people lose their lives cruelly and ununnecessarily. So much has changed since that time. On the whole, I think we as a nation have moved on. Not moved on in the sense that we pretend it didn't happen or have forgotten, no, may it never be. We will always remember and honor the fallen and the heroes, but we have moved on in the way that we must, the way that is necessary. Tragedy is like getting a new tattoo: It hurts at the beginning, you think about it often, you will always carry it with you, but eventually it will fade a little bit and you won't think about it as much. Such is life: we get knocked down, then we get back up and learn how to live again. The greatest honor we can give to the fallen is to show that terrorism did not win that day.
Dedicated to the memory of the victims and heroes of 9/11.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Day 120
I don't remember if I've posted this quote or not, but it's one of my favorites, so even if I have here it is again:
"Do not be deceived, Wormwood. Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys."
If you are feeling really ambitious, here the whole chapter from the Screwtape Letters for your enjoyment:
Relish in the writing, the words, the flow. Even if Lewis hadn't hit the nail on the head dead on, which he did, reading "The Screwtape Letters" would still be a literary feast. It's beautiful; there is no other way to put it.
To go back a bit, I love that quote because I've been there. I know what it's like to feel so empty and dry and to wonder what happened to my passion for God. I've stood in a world that is cruel and dark and unfair, and asked God why He didn't do something I knew He could do. And in those moments, there is a choice to make. The dangerous choice is to follow feelings wherever they may lead, even though feelings are so often based in a lie. The other choice, the one described by Lewis in the above quote, is to cling to the truth that God is good and loving even though it might not feel like it. The faithful make a choice to follow even when the night is dark and their heart is broken. That is a dangerous type of faith.
May you find joy in following faithfully.
"Do not be deceived, Wormwood. Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys."
If you are feeling really ambitious, here the whole chapter from the Screwtape Letters for your enjoyment:
Relish in the writing, the words, the flow. Even if Lewis hadn't hit the nail on the head dead on, which he did, reading "The Screwtape Letters" would still be a literary feast. It's beautiful; there is no other way to put it.
To go back a bit, I love that quote because I've been there. I know what it's like to feel so empty and dry and to wonder what happened to my passion for God. I've stood in a world that is cruel and dark and unfair, and asked God why He didn't do something I knew He could do. And in those moments, there is a choice to make. The dangerous choice is to follow feelings wherever they may lead, even though feelings are so often based in a lie. The other choice, the one described by Lewis in the above quote, is to cling to the truth that God is good and loving even though it might not feel like it. The faithful make a choice to follow even when the night is dark and their heart is broken. That is a dangerous type of faith.
May you find joy in following faithfully.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Day 119
Something amazing happened today: I finished an oil painting. I enjoy starting oil paintings, but I don't get around to finishing many of them. I usually only find the time, motivation, and energy to oil paint about twice a year, so you can see why it's slow going. I start a painting, and once I get around to wanting to paint again, I no longer am interested in painting what I started six months ago, so I start something new. But this time I finished. Here it is:
My brother took a picture of this poppy last summer, and I fell in love with that picture from the moment I saw it. It is the desktop background on my laptop, and now it is forever captured in oil on canvas. I love the vivid colors and the elegant simplicity. It's a reminder that beauty is everywhere if you know how to see it. That's why I wanted to paint it, and that's why I finished it.
There's something relaxing about oil painting, the smell of paint mixed with linseed oil and paint thinner. The knowledge that I can never make a mistake that can't be fixed by another layer of paint. The quietness and the creating. Why don't I do it more? I ask myself that everytime I get out my brushes and palette, and yet, I still only do it every once in a long while. Maybe one day I'll find more time, and yet, maybe oil painting will always be my little retreat from the world, a place to rest my soul every once in a while, a joy that is only needed in small doses to be effective.
May you find joy in creating.
My brother took a picture of this poppy last summer, and I fell in love with that picture from the moment I saw it. It is the desktop background on my laptop, and now it is forever captured in oil on canvas. I love the vivid colors and the elegant simplicity. It's a reminder that beauty is everywhere if you know how to see it. That's why I wanted to paint it, and that's why I finished it.
There's something relaxing about oil painting, the smell of paint mixed with linseed oil and paint thinner. The knowledge that I can never make a mistake that can't be fixed by another layer of paint. The quietness and the creating. Why don't I do it more? I ask myself that everytime I get out my brushes and palette, and yet, I still only do it every once in a long while. Maybe one day I'll find more time, and yet, maybe oil painting will always be my little retreat from the world, a place to rest my soul every once in a while, a joy that is only needed in small doses to be effective.
May you find joy in creating.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Day 118
I remember 9/11 clearly, even though I wasn't even in my teens yet. I remember, like so many others do, what I was doing when I heard the news. I remember watching the news for hours on end, watching the planes hit the buildings again and again, waiting to hear the slightest bit of new information. I remember the uncertainty, the fear, and watching people pull together. 9/11 was personal on a national level.
I remember a little over a month ago waiting for the call that my grandpa had passed away. I remember carrying my phone around with me, afraid that I might miss the call when it came. I remember the suffering I felt for my family who were at his bedside, counting breath by breath, hour by hour, day by day, thinking that every day would be his last, and only feeling the tension mount as he hung on for one more day. I remember feeling incapable of doing anything because the weight of the situation consumed me and followed me around. My grandpa's death was personal on a family level.
This past week I have watched as an out-of-control wildfire has burned not only my state, but MY town. At least two families I know have lost their houses completely, numerous more had to be evacuated, including my in-laws, and the fire reached my church's parking lot but did not make it to the building we are pretty sure. This past week has been a mixture of the previous two events I mentioned above. I found myself checking the news sights every couple of hours looking for more updates. I found myself staying close to my phone in case any news came that way. At work there is a different feeling in the air: sadness for those who come in and have lost everything and a deeper sense of gratitude from both customers and employees. Again I felt the uncertainty, the fear, as neighborhoods went up in flames and the fire just kept creeping nearer and nearer. I've seen people pull together, a tremendous out-pouring of love from the community, and a personal sense of frustration from wanting to help and not knowing where to begin.
The fire is personal on a community level.
When something like this happens lots of emotions and thoughts wash over you. It's hard to know where to the draw the line between complete absorption and complete denial. Compassion is needed in great abundance for everyone, because even those of us who have not lost our homes have been impacted. However, crying for hours on end doesn't really help anything. One thing that keeps coming back to me is that as Christians, this is just our temporary home. We are just passing through, and any comfort and beauty that God gives us for our time here is His blessing to us, not a right that we have. Our earthly home may be in ashes, but our heavenly home can never be touched by any disaster and is waiting for us in radiant glory.
May you find joy in the midst of tragedy.
I remember a little over a month ago waiting for the call that my grandpa had passed away. I remember carrying my phone around with me, afraid that I might miss the call when it came. I remember the suffering I felt for my family who were at his bedside, counting breath by breath, hour by hour, day by day, thinking that every day would be his last, and only feeling the tension mount as he hung on for one more day. I remember feeling incapable of doing anything because the weight of the situation consumed me and followed me around. My grandpa's death was personal on a family level.
This past week I have watched as an out-of-control wildfire has burned not only my state, but MY town. At least two families I know have lost their houses completely, numerous more had to be evacuated, including my in-laws, and the fire reached my church's parking lot but did not make it to the building we are pretty sure. This past week has been a mixture of the previous two events I mentioned above. I found myself checking the news sights every couple of hours looking for more updates. I found myself staying close to my phone in case any news came that way. At work there is a different feeling in the air: sadness for those who come in and have lost everything and a deeper sense of gratitude from both customers and employees. Again I felt the uncertainty, the fear, as neighborhoods went up in flames and the fire just kept creeping nearer and nearer. I've seen people pull together, a tremendous out-pouring of love from the community, and a personal sense of frustration from wanting to help and not knowing where to begin.
The fire is personal on a community level.
When something like this happens lots of emotions and thoughts wash over you. It's hard to know where to the draw the line between complete absorption and complete denial. Compassion is needed in great abundance for everyone, because even those of us who have not lost our homes have been impacted. However, crying for hours on end doesn't really help anything. One thing that keeps coming back to me is that as Christians, this is just our temporary home. We are just passing through, and any comfort and beauty that God gives us for our time here is His blessing to us, not a right that we have. Our earthly home may be in ashes, but our heavenly home can never be touched by any disaster and is waiting for us in radiant glory.
May you find joy in the midst of tragedy.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Day 117
My in-laws are the leaders of a group called Emerge within YWAM, and this weekend Emerge is putting on a business conference for business men and women who are interesting in business as missions. I helped at this conference the first year they had it, but the last two years I was busy or gone and haven't been around when it has taken place. I have helped at several events at the YWAM campus in the past, but it has been awhile, and I realized how much I missed it. I was able to stop by the conference and assist with various projects for about five hours today, and it felt so right, almost like I was coming home.
May you find joy in doing what you love.
May you find joy in doing what you love.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Day 116
Well, I'm back. I know it's been awhile, and I'm sorry. You don't know how many times I thought to myself, "I need to get back to my blog," and yet I didn't. Things get easier with time. When you write a blog everyday, it gets easier to write. When you don't write a blog everyday, it gets easier not to write; it gets easier to come up with excuses. My main excuse for not writing for a month is simple: I couldn't. For part of it I was physically too busy, and for the other part of it I was not mentally and emotionally ready. Even now, right this minute, it's hard. I cried when I read my last post about my grandpa, and I'm crying now. I'm a mental processor, which means it's hard for me to work through things with words. I think and think and think, and once I've worked through something, then it can come out in words. To be honest I don't think I quite know why this past month has been hard or even to the extent it's been hard, I just know that it has. I've seen the signs that something's not quite right, from struggling to do something creative like making cards, to not being able to figure out what to have for dinner-every night. It's like I've lost part of myself and I don't know where I went. The good news is that I feel like I'm getting better. Whatever I lost is coming back, slowly. Like I said on Day 115, you have to learn how to live again.
This isn't a warm and fuzzy feel-good post, but at least it's honest. I'm going to try to start writing every day again, but I'm not making any promises quite yet. Thank you for sticking with me.
May you find joy when life is hard.
This isn't a warm and fuzzy feel-good post, but at least it's honest. I'm going to try to start writing every day again, but I'm not making any promises quite yet. Thank you for sticking with me.
May you find joy when life is hard.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Day 115
This morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. in Kearney, Nebraska and
drove for seven hours to my home in Colorado Springs. This followed ten hours of driving from the
previous day, which was preceded by my grandpa’s funeral and graveside service
mere hours before. The day before that,
Monday, was the visitation. On Saturday,
my family and I started at 4:00 in the morning and drove for eighteen hours to
my grandpa’s bedside and said our last goodbyes, only about nine hours before
he passed away on Sunday morning. The
preceding week was a stressful day by day, hour by hour existence waiting for
the phone call that never came that my Grandpa had passed on from this life and
was now with Jesus.
It’s been a hard week and a half.
Emotionally, I’m doing pretty well. Physically, I’m worn out.
Grief affects everyone differently, and it shows up unexpectedly. For me, I did most of my grieving for my
grandpa before he passed away. It took
me a couple of days to work through it, and then for the most part I was
alright. I still cry sometimes, but my soul is at peace for my grandpa. The grief that remains is for the people that
remain, because I can’t feel sad for my grandpa. I know he is with Jesus and is experiencing
the greatest, happiest, most wonderful existence any creature can have. He was a faithful follower of Jesus in this
life, and he is receiving his reward for his faithfulness. But for the rest of us, we have to wait for
that. We said goodbye, and we know it’s
not forever, but it is long enough to be hard.
We who remain have to live the rest of our time on earth without the man
who was a faithful husband, a loving father, a proud grandpa, and a tender
great-grandpa. We mourn because our
lives are poorer without the man who made them richer.
After living in a vacuum for the last two weeks, where
everything I did or planned depended on what was happening with my grandpa, it
is a little hard to jump back into regular life. Dinner needs to made. Cars need to be filled up with gas. I have a job I need to go to. I can put stuff on the calendar again. When someone you love dies, you want life to
stop for a while to give you time to adjust.
But it doesn’t. Life continues to
spin at a dizzying pace, and just like a merry-go-round, you just have to jump
in and hang on. Although it’s hard at the beginning, I think it’s better this
way. If you spend too much time wrapped
in your sorrow and loss, it’s easy to become very self-focused and it just becomes
harder for you to get back to the new normal.
We all eventually have to learn how to live again.
I loved my grandpa and I will miss him very much. But when the day comes that God calls me
home, that day will be the beginning of the time where there will be no more
sorrow, nor tears, nor death nor pain, because Christ has conquered those
things for those who love him. I live
today in the hope that one day there will be no more goodbyes. All that will be left is an eternity of todays
with the ones that I love in the presence of the One who loved us first.
Dedicated to my Grandpa, Al Peterson (1921-2012)
Monday, May 14, 2012
Day 114
Wow. The last two weeks have been a roller coaster to say the least. I read a saying that described it accurately: "I try to live one day at a time, but sometimes several days happen all at once." Life has been full and tiring. I worked some crazy hours last week at the florist for Mother's Day, we bought a car, the Ignite Retreat was last weekend, and in the midst of it all my family found out that my grandfather has been put on hospice care and will soon be with Jesus, which means that I am back on puppy duty while my mom is away.
I want to share about the retreat, but not now. I think I need a few more days to process everything. All I will say is that it was the topic was something I needed to hear and apply to my life.
There has been so much going on and yet I don't know what to say. It's hard waiting for someone you love to die. It's easier that we've known that it has been coming for a long time, but it is still not easy. My grandpa was a faithful follower of Christ and a great example to his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He is deeply loved, and will be greatly missed.
I'm tired, but I'm at peace. God is in control, and even though so many things are up in the air right now, I know that it's going to be alright. I'm taking it one day at a time.
May you find joy in peace.
I want to share about the retreat, but not now. I think I need a few more days to process everything. All I will say is that it was the topic was something I needed to hear and apply to my life.
There has been so much going on and yet I don't know what to say. It's hard waiting for someone you love to die. It's easier that we've known that it has been coming for a long time, but it is still not easy. My grandpa was a faithful follower of Christ and a great example to his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He is deeply loved, and will be greatly missed.
I'm tired, but I'm at peace. God is in control, and even though so many things are up in the air right now, I know that it's going to be alright. I'm taking it one day at a time.
May you find joy in peace.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Day 113
I had a job interview today. In times like this, it is always nice when God gives you a clear direction, a one door open and another door closed type of thing. God gave me a clear direction: the door was strongly, firmly, and rapidly shut.
The interview was going well for the first four minutes. I felt fairly comfortable and confident while going through work history and what-not. And then came the question: Are you available to work on Sundays? This surprised me, mainly because this company is not opened on Sundays, and that was one of the reason I was excited about this job. My answer: I don't like to, but I will work Sunday afternoons and evenings if I have to. It turns out that this company is moving towards being open seven days a week, and that change will probably happen within the next year. They need someone with availability starting at 10:00am on Sundays. That person is not me. Going to church is a huge priority in my life, and I will not change that priority for my job. After that, the interview was basically over. I was in and out of there in ten minutes.
Was it disappointing? Yes it was. Was it nice to know immediately that this wasn't going anywhere? Yes it was. My prayer throughout this whole thing was that God would be glorified in my life no matter the outcome, and I will continue to pray for that. May God grant my prayer.
May you find joy even when the door is closed.
The interview was going well for the first four minutes. I felt fairly comfortable and confident while going through work history and what-not. And then came the question: Are you available to work on Sundays? This surprised me, mainly because this company is not opened on Sundays, and that was one of the reason I was excited about this job. My answer: I don't like to, but I will work Sunday afternoons and evenings if I have to. It turns out that this company is moving towards being open seven days a week, and that change will probably happen within the next year. They need someone with availability starting at 10:00am on Sundays. That person is not me. Going to church is a huge priority in my life, and I will not change that priority for my job. After that, the interview was basically over. I was in and out of there in ten minutes.
Was it disappointing? Yes it was. Was it nice to know immediately that this wasn't going anywhere? Yes it was. My prayer throughout this whole thing was that God would be glorified in my life no matter the outcome, and I will continue to pray for that. May God grant my prayer.
May you find joy even when the door is closed.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Day 112
If you have never had the opportunity to drink one of my husband's cappuccinos, than you, my friend, are missing out. They are absolutely delicious. Imagine strong espresso mixed with steamed milk and topped with a cloud of foam and drizzled with just the right amount of chocolate, my husband's modus operandi, and what you have is a little taste of heaven. Ahhh, so good.
Last night we went to go see a movie and got home after 9:00pm. We were both tired, but I had gotten a great deal on pastry turnovers and wanted to eat them. My husband suggested cappuccinos, which of course I agreed with, but in the back of my mind was thought of drinking espresso that late and wanting to go to sleep at a reasonable time. Then my husband had a flash of genius: mini cappuccinos! We were given a set of espresso mugs from Thailand, which are really small, and he made our cappuccinos in those. They always say that things taste better in miniature form, and I'm inclined to believe them. We ate our turnover and drank our mini cappuccinos and then went to bed happy people.
May you find joy in life.
Last night we went to go see a movie and got home after 9:00pm. We were both tired, but I had gotten a great deal on pastry turnovers and wanted to eat them. My husband suggested cappuccinos, which of course I agreed with, but in the back of my mind was thought of drinking espresso that late and wanting to go to sleep at a reasonable time. Then my husband had a flash of genius: mini cappuccinos! We were given a set of espresso mugs from Thailand, which are really small, and he made our cappuccinos in those. They always say that things taste better in miniature form, and I'm inclined to believe them. We ate our turnover and drank our mini cappuccinos and then went to bed happy people.
May you find joy in life.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Day 111
The pastor of my church wrote a book last summer. Recently it was published, and I have just had the joy of finishing it. Here is an excerpt from the chapter on love:
"What is love? Do you know? It's not a feeling, though it involves our emotions. It's not a tradition, though it forms habits. It's not a language, though it must be expressed. Love is sacrificing what is yours for the good of another. It's denying your own interests so that others will be satisfied. It's dying so that others may live. It's His will, not yours, be done.
Love remains patient when its own wishes are not met by others. It acts kindly toward others, treating them as a brother or sister in all circumstances. It does not become jealous of others, but rejoices in their blessings. It does not boast in its own accomplishments. It does not seek attention for itself. It doesn't do things that are inappropriate. It seeks the pleasure and fulfillment of others, not its own. It doesn't become upset or hurt by others. It forgives all of the sins against it. It is not aroused by wickedness. It dances when truth is believed. It endures all trials, believes through all circumstances, hopes in all that God has promised, and remains steadfast to the end. Faith may be lied about, hope may be misdirected, but love never fails. It is real. It lasts. It is greater than all. A man will be judged by what he loves. "
"Exalted: Putting Jesus in His Place"
Douglas Goodin
Isn't that beautiful?
May you find joy in love.
"What is love? Do you know? It's not a feeling, though it involves our emotions. It's not a tradition, though it forms habits. It's not a language, though it must be expressed. Love is sacrificing what is yours for the good of another. It's denying your own interests so that others will be satisfied. It's dying so that others may live. It's His will, not yours, be done.
Love remains patient when its own wishes are not met by others. It acts kindly toward others, treating them as a brother or sister in all circumstances. It does not become jealous of others, but rejoices in their blessings. It does not boast in its own accomplishments. It does not seek attention for itself. It doesn't do things that are inappropriate. It seeks the pleasure and fulfillment of others, not its own. It doesn't become upset or hurt by others. It forgives all of the sins against it. It is not aroused by wickedness. It dances when truth is believed. It endures all trials, believes through all circumstances, hopes in all that God has promised, and remains steadfast to the end. Faith may be lied about, hope may be misdirected, but love never fails. It is real. It lasts. It is greater than all. A man will be judged by what he loves. "
"Exalted: Putting Jesus in His Place"
Douglas Goodin
Isn't that beautiful?
May you find joy in love.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Day 110
Ignite, my church's college and career group, meets every Saturday night. It is definitely one of the highlights of my week, and with good reason. I know that when I go to Ignite it will be a time of godly fellowship, teaching, laughter, and all around good times. Tonight was no exception. We have a rotating schedule, and tonight was a fellowship and worship night. We were supposed to play games at a park for the the first couple of hours and then go back to the house for worship, but it was cold and windy so we decided to just play games at the house and then do worship.
Some great moments from tonight:
-Singing "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from the Lion King with my brother in the car
-Playing Ninja
-Seeing my friend who has been going through a really rough couple of weeks
-Talking about the upcoming Ignite Retreat and feeling the anticipation, knowing that it is going to be an amazing weekend
-Worshiping God with my brothers and sisters in Christ
This is just a snapshot of what makes Ignite special. I've grown so much through this group, and my life would be much poorer without it.
May you find joy in the Christian family that God has given you.
Some great moments from tonight:
-Singing "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from the Lion King with my brother in the car
-Playing Ninja
-Seeing my friend who has been going through a really rough couple of weeks
-Talking about the upcoming Ignite Retreat and feeling the anticipation, knowing that it is going to be an amazing weekend
-Worshiping God with my brothers and sisters in Christ
This is just a snapshot of what makes Ignite special. I've grown so much through this group, and my life would be much poorer without it.
May you find joy in the Christian family that God has given you.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Day 109
A few days ago I wrote that I was getting discouraged with my job search. Well today, I got a phone call for an interview! It is the first response I have gotten from all of the applications that I've submitted. Even if it doesn't end with a job offer, it is still really encouraging and a reminder that God is working. God's timing is perfect, and I know that if and when I'm supposed to get another job, than I will, and not a moment before, and not a moment after.
May you find joy when you see God working.
May you find joy when you see God working.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Day 108
I had a truly joyful morning. I went over to hang out with a friend and we had a very sweet time of fellowship. I have known this friend for over three years, but we have only intentionally gotten together a handful of times. Every time we do, however, I am greatly encouraged by my friend's insight into life and her dedication to Christ. I see a person who strives to live life with a heart tuned to God's leading, and although she has had her fair share of struggles, I've seen her learn and grow through all of them. That is deeply encouraging to see in a fellow believer. While I was visiting with her I was able to also visit another friend of mine, which was additionally very encouraging. I am very blessed to be surrounded by so many mature Christians who pour into my life with not only words, but with actions as well. It was indeed a very good morning.
May you find joy in godly friendships.
May you find joy in godly friendships.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Day 107
On And On
Tenth Avenue North
Love, I have waited for you
And love, I was wounded for you
Won't you look into my eyes
Through the pain and through your pride
And find I am true
You're the one I can't deny
And I'll never leave your side
I gave my life for you
So what are you waiting for?
On and on we go
Come love take my hand
On and on we go
Time and time again
On and on we go
Back to where this all began
Come love take my hand
Life is waiting for you
And life I have given to you
Tell me what else can I do
What more have I left to prove?
That I am what you need
Still I will hold on to your heart
Through the chaos and the dark
When your eyes fail to see
So what are you waiting for?
On and on we go
Come love take my hand
On and on we go
As you run away again
On and on we go
Back to where this all began
Broken I was for you
Broken I'm still for you
My broken heart breaks for you
Broken I'm over you
On and on we go
On and on we go
On and on we go
Come love take my hand
On and on we go
Time and time again
On and on we go
Back to where this all began
Come love take my hand
Come love take my hand
Come take my hand
On and on we go. This seems to be
the theme song of my life right now. On and on we go. Walking and
waiting, one day at a time, living from grace to grace. And through it
all, believing the truth that Christ is sufficient for me.
May you find joy walking in the hand of Christ.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Day 106
You know those days where it feels like you haven't gotten anything done? Yeah, today was one of those days. I worked this morning, then spent two hours on a job application which took a chunk out of the day, then took a nap which took another chunk out. By the time I ran to the store it was time to start dinner and now here I am.
Overall, April has been a little hard. For one thing, it feels like I've just been running for weeks and weeks. There have also been a lot of little things going on, which individually are not that hard to handle, but when piled on top of each other the small sadnesses and tough situations suddenly become a lot harder to handle. It just seems like there's a lot to deal with right now.
At our small group last night we talked about magnifying God, and someone brought up the point that when we magnify something, not only does that individual thing get bigger, but everything else around it disappears because our focus is narrowed. The same is true when we magnify God. When we focus on God and on His character, His working, His love, everything else suddenly becomes insignificant. It's still there, but it just doesn't seem that important. I need to do that more, because the little things are too much in focus right now.
May you find joy in magnifying God.
Overall, April has been a little hard. For one thing, it feels like I've just been running for weeks and weeks. There have also been a lot of little things going on, which individually are not that hard to handle, but when piled on top of each other the small sadnesses and tough situations suddenly become a lot harder to handle. It just seems like there's a lot to deal with right now.
At our small group last night we talked about magnifying God, and someone brought up the point that when we magnify something, not only does that individual thing get bigger, but everything else around it disappears because our focus is narrowed. The same is true when we magnify God. When we focus on God and on His character, His working, His love, everything else suddenly becomes insignificant. It's still there, but it just doesn't seem that important. I need to do that more, because the little things are too much in focus right now.
May you find joy in magnifying God.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Day 105
Yesterday, God saved the life of one of my friends. Today could and maybe even should have been a day of great sadness and mourning, but God in His mercy decided that my friend's life was not meant to be over yet. If that's not a reason for joy than I don't know what is.
May you find joy in God's plan and mercy.
May you find joy in God's plan and mercy.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Day 104
When I start listening to "Boston" on repeat, it usually means I'm a little down, for whatever reason. It's when the thought of running away and starting a new life somewhere is really appealing. It's appealing because at the time I'm bored or tired of struggling or worn out and a fresh start is the easy way out. It's always easier and more exciting to run away than to endure the slow trudge of everyday life. It's easier to start new relationships sometimes than to heal the broken ones. It's easier to distract yourself with the new and the different than to focus on the old and figure out a solution.
I listened to "Boston" on repeat today.
I didn't, however, listen because of any of the above reasons. I listened because I'm feeling down in my search for a job. It's been hard to even find a job opening that I'm interested in, and then out of all of the applications I've submitted I haven't heard back from a single one. I know that employers are overwhelmed by job applications, I know that, but it's still a little disheartening at the same time. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find a job that I really enjoy or care about, since the things that I want to do I don't have experience in, and the things I have experience in I don't want to do. From my perspective, it sometimes feels hopeless.
However, I try not to dwell on my perspective. I try to remember that God has a plan and my purpose in life is to glorify Him, whether that is at a job I love or a job I don't. I can glorify Him if I work nine hours a week or forty hours a week. I am not defined by my job; I am defined by the fact that Christ counted my life worth the price of His own. He bought me with His love, and now I live for Him. That is what I try to dwell on.
May you find joy in remembering the truth.
I listened to "Boston" on repeat today.
I didn't, however, listen because of any of the above reasons. I listened because I'm feeling down in my search for a job. It's been hard to even find a job opening that I'm interested in, and then out of all of the applications I've submitted I haven't heard back from a single one. I know that employers are overwhelmed by job applications, I know that, but it's still a little disheartening at the same time. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find a job that I really enjoy or care about, since the things that I want to do I don't have experience in, and the things I have experience in I don't want to do. From my perspective, it sometimes feels hopeless.
However, I try not to dwell on my perspective. I try to remember that God has a plan and my purpose in life is to glorify Him, whether that is at a job I love or a job I don't. I can glorify Him if I work nine hours a week or forty hours a week. I am not defined by my job; I am defined by the fact that Christ counted my life worth the price of His own. He bought me with His love, and now I live for Him. That is what I try to dwell on.
May you find joy in remembering the truth.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Day 103
I figured out the line game. It has taken me almost three years. Enough said.
May you find joy in figuring out completely frustrating, hair-ripping, brain-numbing mind games.
May you find joy in figuring out completely frustrating, hair-ripping, brain-numbing mind games.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Day 102
My church sends out its weekly update on Friday. Most of it stays pretty much the same week by week, but there is sometimes new information, so I like to skim through it just to make sure. Today I got the email, and as usual I skimmed it. It was about the same as it normally is--until I got to the very bottom. Way down on bullet point thirteen there were two needs: One for an outdoor table, and one for a clothes dryer. The clothes dryer was needed for only a few months before the family moves to the east coast.
I know this family fairly well. Both of our families have been at the church for many, many years, I have done some design work for them, and last year the wife had a pampered chef party with me. The reason they are moving is because for over two years they have trusted the Lord to find a job for the husband, and God has answered their prayer. Theirs has been an incredible journey of faith in God to provide for them, and He has. They have shared amazing stories about how God has met their needs time and time again, even when they haven't had a steady income. I don't think anybody will ever have a fuller understanding of what it means to trust God than when He is literally providing for your needs day by day.
So I see that this family needs a dryer for a couple of months. Usually my first thought would be that this is kind of an odd request, because most people don't have extra dryers hanging around. But, as I've shared, this is a family who knows what it means to trust God, and they are trusting Him for a dryer. And, I said I would usually think that is an odd request. However, my husband and I just so happen to have an extra dryer hanging around, so it wasn't that odd at all. We were blessed to receive a washer and dryer before we got married but we have had to put them in storage until we move to a bigger place. Voila! We have a dryer. They need a dryer. Isn't God great?
May you find joy in God's provision.
I know this family fairly well. Both of our families have been at the church for many, many years, I have done some design work for them, and last year the wife had a pampered chef party with me. The reason they are moving is because for over two years they have trusted the Lord to find a job for the husband, and God has answered their prayer. Theirs has been an incredible journey of faith in God to provide for them, and He has. They have shared amazing stories about how God has met their needs time and time again, even when they haven't had a steady income. I don't think anybody will ever have a fuller understanding of what it means to trust God than when He is literally providing for your needs day by day.
So I see that this family needs a dryer for a couple of months. Usually my first thought would be that this is kind of an odd request, because most people don't have extra dryers hanging around. But, as I've shared, this is a family who knows what it means to trust God, and they are trusting Him for a dryer. And, I said I would usually think that is an odd request. However, my husband and I just so happen to have an extra dryer hanging around, so it wasn't that odd at all. We were blessed to receive a washer and dryer before we got married but we have had to put them in storage until we move to a bigger place. Voila! We have a dryer. They need a dryer. Isn't God great?
May you find joy in God's provision.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Days 96-101
My last post was almost a week ago (Eek!) and there have been a lot of joy-filled days since then. There were also a lot of days that were just plain filled, which is why I haven't had time to write my blog in a while. So today will be a re-cap of the last week.
Day 96: My grandpa went into the hospital because of some problems, and the doctors thought it was a perforated bowel. This was not good news, especially for a 90 year old man who already has some serious health problems. However, by the end of the day they had decided it was not a perforated bowel and was instead a re-lapse of an earlier problem which isn't as serious. God is good!
Day 97: Tonight my husband and I went over to celebrate a friend's birthday. It was a good night with a close group of friends, and it was good to spend time with some people that I don't see as much as I used to. It's always good to re-connect and strengthen friendships.
Day 98: When I first woke up today I mistakenly called today Black Friday instead of Good Friday. I could see my mistake, though. The day that the Son of God died for my sins was indeed black, just as much as it was good. The torture device that brought so much pain and death to Jesus now brings us so much life and joy. The separation between the Father and the Son now means that we will never be separated from God. It's a beautiful picture, and it is indeed good.
Day 99: Allow me a moment to brag on my husband. When we got back from Ignite tonight I developed a horrible pain in my stomach. I needed to make deviled eggs for Easter, but was unable to because of how much it hurt. He put a TV show on for me, made me some bubbly water, then finished peeling the eggs and did all of the dishes. Isn't he the greatest?
Day 100: Easter! How appropriate that it should fall on day 100. Every day the gospel brings me joy, but there is extra joy on the day that we specifically set aside to remember the resurrection of our Lord. This Easter was extra special because we had warm, beautiful weather, a Christ-exalting church service, we celebrated at my sister's new house and my extended family was able to meet her fiance for the first time, and I was able to have a very good discussion with an unbelieving family member about the gospel, sin, and the nature of man. Praise God!
Day 101: Today I am home. If I remember correctly, I think that it has been over two and a half weeks since I have been home for either a full morning or a full afternoon. It has been so nice to get projects done that have been pushed aside by more urgent things for way too long. I love doing things and seeing people, but at some point I just love being home, too. It's good to rest.
Day 96: My grandpa went into the hospital because of some problems, and the doctors thought it was a perforated bowel. This was not good news, especially for a 90 year old man who already has some serious health problems. However, by the end of the day they had decided it was not a perforated bowel and was instead a re-lapse of an earlier problem which isn't as serious. God is good!
Day 97: Tonight my husband and I went over to celebrate a friend's birthday. It was a good night with a close group of friends, and it was good to spend time with some people that I don't see as much as I used to. It's always good to re-connect and strengthen friendships.
Day 98: When I first woke up today I mistakenly called today Black Friday instead of Good Friday. I could see my mistake, though. The day that the Son of God died for my sins was indeed black, just as much as it was good. The torture device that brought so much pain and death to Jesus now brings us so much life and joy. The separation between the Father and the Son now means that we will never be separated from God. It's a beautiful picture, and it is indeed good.
Day 99: Allow me a moment to brag on my husband. When we got back from Ignite tonight I developed a horrible pain in my stomach. I needed to make deviled eggs for Easter, but was unable to because of how much it hurt. He put a TV show on for me, made me some bubbly water, then finished peeling the eggs and did all of the dishes. Isn't he the greatest?
Day 100: Easter! How appropriate that it should fall on day 100. Every day the gospel brings me joy, but there is extra joy on the day that we specifically set aside to remember the resurrection of our Lord. This Easter was extra special because we had warm, beautiful weather, a Christ-exalting church service, we celebrated at my sister's new house and my extended family was able to meet her fiance for the first time, and I was able to have a very good discussion with an unbelieving family member about the gospel, sin, and the nature of man. Praise God!
Day 101: Today I am home. If I remember correctly, I think that it has been over two and a half weeks since I have been home for either a full morning or a full afternoon. It has been so nice to get projects done that have been pushed aside by more urgent things for way too long. I love doing things and seeing people, but at some point I just love being home, too. It's good to rest.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Day 95
I think you people are pretty awesome for reading my blog, so I am going let you in on a little secret. There is a band that is about to go big, and I want you to know so that you can be ahead of the wave and therefore be the "cool kids" once everyone else is doing it. Really, it's the least I can do.
The band is called "Katie and the Rabid Gnomes." And yes, I happen to be part of this band. The other band members consist of my husband and brother. We have really cool t-shirts and bumper stickers. Once the domain name comes free we will have a really cool website, too. And a really cool facebook page. I would describe our music style to you, but our hit single has yet to be released. If we want any chance of remaining popular, I think we had better keep it that way. Overall, we're just pretty cool. If you want to be pretty cool, too, than you should jump on the bandwagon.
Since you are intelligent people, you might be wondering why we have a band if we haven't created any music. Good question. The answer is quite simple. One day my husband, brother, and I were playing around with the photo effects in photobooth on my brother's Mac. We took one picture that was a perfect band picture, so therefore, we had to create a band. You can't have a band picture without a band; that's just silly. Bands, of course, have to have names, and then after that came the t-shirts and the bumper stickers and the adoring fans. It's all pretty straight-forward. We tried recording a song but really that's not our strong-point, so why ruin a good thing? We like to focus on what we're good at, which is taking cool band pictures and making paraphernalia.
So there you have it. I hope you all will be the trendsetters for Katie and the Rabid Gnomes before it becomes so mainstream that everyone else becomes a wanna-be. This is your chance, people, to be really cool.
May you find joy in the little things.
The band is called "Katie and the Rabid Gnomes." And yes, I happen to be part of this band. The other band members consist of my husband and brother. We have really cool t-shirts and bumper stickers. Once the domain name comes free we will have a really cool website, too. And a really cool facebook page. I would describe our music style to you, but our hit single has yet to be released. If we want any chance of remaining popular, I think we had better keep it that way. Overall, we're just pretty cool. If you want to be pretty cool, too, than you should jump on the bandwagon.

So there you have it. I hope you all will be the trendsetters for Katie and the Rabid Gnomes before it becomes so mainstream that everyone else becomes a wanna-be. This is your chance, people, to be really cool.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Day 94
Today was too beautiful not to go outside, so that's what my husband
and I did. We put on our tennis gear and headed out to the park for
some fun in the sun. The lovely thing about today was that although it
was warm, there was a breeze blowing that kept things from becoming too
hot. After tennis we went out for some southern style bar-b-que, sweet
potato fries and sweet tea, and then finished watching a television
series that we had started at my parent's house. Tonight we are going
to separate guys and gals games nights.
Tell me that isn't a great way to spend a Saturday.
May you find joy in Saturdays well spent.
Tell me that isn't a great way to spend a Saturday.
May you find joy in Saturdays well spent.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Day 93
To start off your weekend, I'll share a story with you. Feel free to laugh at me.
My dad and brother returned last night and my mom asked me to pick up some milk for them. So this morning I hopped in my car and drove the three minutes over to the local milk store. I was just about there when out of the corner of my eye I see a spider dangling from the ceiling. Right next to my head.
I didn't react very well.
I guess a better way to put it was that I screamed like bloody murder and started flailing.
Now, let me interject here with my history of spiders. I don't like spiders, I never have. When I was little they terrified me, but as I have gotten older I feel like I have a more mature attitude about them now. They don't freak me out like they used to. I even killed one just the other day that was crawling across the cutting board where I was preparing dinner. (Lesson: Don't mess with Katie when she's cooking). A few years ago they got replaced as number one on my most hated bug list with moths. (And yes, I know that spiders aren't technically bugs for you smarty pants out there.) So overall I feel like I have gotten over, or at least made strides in getting over my fear of spiders. Until today.
In hindsight, I definitely could have handled it better. However, there are several advantages to hindsight, the most obvious being that I am not sitting in a car with a dangling spider inches from my head. I mean, something that small has to be pretty close to you for your peripheral vision to catch it. After my intinial flail the spider disappeared, which of course freaked me out more. The only thing worse than a spider dangling over you is one that was dangling over you and has now disappeared. As soon as I got to the store I got out of my car and started shaking all of my clothes out and brushing at my head in case it landed there. I was in a public place so I tried not to make a big scene, but I also didn't want a spider crawling across my face when I was getting milk, either. When I got back to the car I made a careful inspection and didn't see anything, but once I got home I shook out my clothes again and more thoroughly shook out my hair. I'm pretty confidant that I am spider-free at the moment. It got me a little frazzled, though, let me tell you. I'm better now.
Well, that's my story. I hope you enjoyed it and have a glorious weekend.
May you find joy in funny stories.
My dad and brother returned last night and my mom asked me to pick up some milk for them. So this morning I hopped in my car and drove the three minutes over to the local milk store. I was just about there when out of the corner of my eye I see a spider dangling from the ceiling. Right next to my head.
I didn't react very well.
I guess a better way to put it was that I screamed like bloody murder and started flailing.
Now, let me interject here with my history of spiders. I don't like spiders, I never have. When I was little they terrified me, but as I have gotten older I feel like I have a more mature attitude about them now. They don't freak me out like they used to. I even killed one just the other day that was crawling across the cutting board where I was preparing dinner. (Lesson: Don't mess with Katie when she's cooking). A few years ago they got replaced as number one on my most hated bug list with moths. (And yes, I know that spiders aren't technically bugs for you smarty pants out there.) So overall I feel like I have gotten over, or at least made strides in getting over my fear of spiders. Until today.
In hindsight, I definitely could have handled it better. However, there are several advantages to hindsight, the most obvious being that I am not sitting in a car with a dangling spider inches from my head. I mean, something that small has to be pretty close to you for your peripheral vision to catch it. After my intinial flail the spider disappeared, which of course freaked me out more. The only thing worse than a spider dangling over you is one that was dangling over you and has now disappeared. As soon as I got to the store I got out of my car and started shaking all of my clothes out and brushing at my head in case it landed there. I was in a public place so I tried not to make a big scene, but I also didn't want a spider crawling across my face when I was getting milk, either. When I got back to the car I made a careful inspection and didn't see anything, but once I got home I shook out my clothes again and more thoroughly shook out my hair. I'm pretty confidant that I am spider-free at the moment. It got me a little frazzled, though, let me tell you. I'm better now.
Well, that's my story. I hope you enjoyed it and have a glorious weekend.
May you find joy in funny stories.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Day 92
Ever since my sister got engaged, I have been very nostalgic about planning my wedding a year ago. I've looked at the pictures again, thought about the wonderful, exciting time that it was, and have remembered all of the sweet memories leading up to and on that day. I hate to brag, but I had the best wedding ever. However, I do believe that you will have or have already had the best wedding ever as well. You will also marry the best man/woman on the planet, just like I did. It's neat how that works out.
Anyway, I've been nostalgic this past week and it's been pretty fun. I mean, what wouldn't be fun about thinking about the happiest day of your life? As a rule, I try not to dwell too much on happy days in the past because it is very easy to fall into discontentment about present conditions, especially when the past is bathed in the sunny light of pleasantly selective memories. However, I consider my wedding day an exception to the rule. I believe that it is helpful to remember the day when I vowed before God and a church full of witnesses to love and honor my husband for as long I or he lives. It's also helpful to remember that the wedding ceremony and marriage itself is a picture of the relationship between Christ and His Church. Yes, instead of merely wistful thinking, remembering back to my wedding day is not only helpful it is also important and even vital to do so. I need to remember, because like all things, it is all too easy to forget.
May you find joy in remembering.
Anyway, I've been nostalgic this past week and it's been pretty fun. I mean, what wouldn't be fun about thinking about the happiest day of your life? As a rule, I try not to dwell too much on happy days in the past because it is very easy to fall into discontentment about present conditions, especially when the past is bathed in the sunny light of pleasantly selective memories. However, I consider my wedding day an exception to the rule. I believe that it is helpful to remember the day when I vowed before God and a church full of witnesses to love and honor my husband for as long I or he lives. It's also helpful to remember that the wedding ceremony and marriage itself is a picture of the relationship between Christ and His Church. Yes, instead of merely wistful thinking, remembering back to my wedding day is not only helpful it is also important and even vital to do so. I need to remember, because like all things, it is all too easy to forget.
May you find joy in remembering.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Day 91
It's March, and it's beautiful outside. I can't believe that our nice weather has lasted as long as it has, and that it is supposed to keep going for another week or so. I've been enjoying it so much. Almost everyday I go outside to read and soak up some sun. This used to be a relaxing experience, but with the puppy it is now an adventure. Sometimes he will go for awhile and other times it happens pretty early on, but at some point he decides that the best place in the whole yard to chew on his stick is on my lap. Suddenly I have a 20lb dog on top of me who is constantly dropping his stick off of the side and who is very happy to substitute my hand for his stick once it disappears. I don't have to tell you that fending off little teeth and continually picking up sticks isn't the most conducive activity for reading. Once the lap becomes the location of choice, I pretty much have to give up reading while enjoying the sun and have to pick one or the other. That's okay, though. The puppy has probably prevented me from getting sun-burned a couple of times when I've made a hasty retreat indoors to finish the chapter, and for that I am grateful.
I've told you that I could write a book about lessons I've learned from my dog about my relationship with Christ, and this is one of those times. How often has God put something in my life that is a little uncomfortable, and because of that I move in a different direction than I was planning on and that saves me from something worse? It really makes me think. God works in mysterious ways, and it is a joy and a privilege when God reveals a little bit of His plan to you and you can start putting the dots together and seeing the picture. I love that.
May you find joy in finding the dots and seeing the picture.
I've told you that I could write a book about lessons I've learned from my dog about my relationship with Christ, and this is one of those times. How often has God put something in my life that is a little uncomfortable, and because of that I move in a different direction than I was planning on and that saves me from something worse? It really makes me think. God works in mysterious ways, and it is a joy and a privilege when God reveals a little bit of His plan to you and you can start putting the dots together and seeing the picture. I love that.
May you find joy in finding the dots and seeing the picture.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Day 90
Wow. That was a weekend. I don't know about you, but mine consisted of searching for reception sites, preliminary bridal shower and wedding planning long-distance with my sister, lots of entertaining and getting together with friends, and being a movable chew-toy for the dog.
This morning my husband let me sleep in and for the first time in three days I didn't feel tired when I woke up. It was glorious. Today was similar to the weekend, but it felt much less stressful and the dog didn't chew on me quite as much, which was nice. Tonight we had dinner with friends at our apartment, and as we were leaving I went to go check when I was working tomorrow. I was in for a shock. I'm not scheduled to work tomorrow. I was scheduled to work this morning. Oh. Messed up there.
I admit I have mixed feeling right now. I can't say that I am heartbroken about not waking up at 5:00 o'clock tomorrow morning, but I do feel bad about leaving them hanging at work this morning. At least I wasn't scheduled for the most important job, which is some consolation, but this is the first time in over two years where I missed work because I messed up my schedule. There's a first time for everything, I guess. The only thing to do now is to go to bed and enjoy an unexpected full night of rest.
May you find joy in the unexpected.
This morning my husband let me sleep in and for the first time in three days I didn't feel tired when I woke up. It was glorious. Today was similar to the weekend, but it felt much less stressful and the dog didn't chew on me quite as much, which was nice. Tonight we had dinner with friends at our apartment, and as we were leaving I went to go check when I was working tomorrow. I was in for a shock. I'm not scheduled to work tomorrow. I was scheduled to work this morning. Oh. Messed up there.
I admit I have mixed feeling right now. I can't say that I am heartbroken about not waking up at 5:00 o'clock tomorrow morning, but I do feel bad about leaving them hanging at work this morning. At least I wasn't scheduled for the most important job, which is some consolation, but this is the first time in over two years where I missed work because I messed up my schedule. There's a first time for everything, I guess. The only thing to do now is to go to bed and enjoy an unexpected full night of rest.
May you find joy in the unexpected.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Day 89
Whew, that felt good to get out. That is what I was trying to hold inside and why I was unable to write about anything else. Everything else kind of pales in comparison at the moment. I can't tell you how happy I am for my sister and her fiance. Hee hee, that was fun to say. The coolest part is seeing how God has worked in both of their lives in the past year, both separately and together. It has been an amazing journey and it has been a privilege to watch it unfold. I look forward to seeing the next step in their relationship as they prepare for marriage. AAAHHH!! IT'S SO EXCITING!!!!
May you find joy in God-directed relationships.
Whew, that felt good to get out. That is what I was trying to hold inside and why I was unable to write about anything else. Everything else kind of pales in comparison at the moment. I can't tell you how happy I am for my sister and her fiance. Hee hee, that was fun to say. The coolest part is seeing how God has worked in both of their lives in the past year, both separately and together. It has been an amazing journey and it has been a privilege to watch it unfold. I look forward to seeing the next step in their relationship as they prepare for marriage. AAAHHH!! IT'S SO EXCITING!!!!
May you find joy in God-directed relationships.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Day 88
I'm sorry. I know that the posts on this blog have been sporadic this past week. It's not because I don't have any joy to write about, au contraire, I have great amounts of joy. I realize that sounds like an oxymoron, but that's the way of it. I am bursting with joy and yet I can't put it down in writing. Ironic, n'est pas? (Apparently, also when I can't express joy I start talking in French as well. Sorry about that.) So I guess all I can say is that I have a lot of joy and I can't tell you about it. It's probably as frustratating for me as it is for you. Stay tuned for a better explaination at a later time. Au Revoir.
Mai vous avez joie.
Mai vous avez joie.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Day 87
Cue "Mission Impossible" music:
Dun dun, du du Dun dun, Dah dun...
My mission today was to get a new purse. The time had come where the handles on my purse were disintegrating, and as much as I loved it and no matter how perfect it was, I knew the time had come to find a replacement. I am a one-purse kind of woman. I have one purse which I carry everywhere for a couple of years until it wears out, and then I find a new purse to carry for the next couple of years. I don't have a different purse for every outfit or every occasion. Because of this, I really need to like my one purse.
I felt like I had high expectations when I left. I wanted a smallish sized purse with short rounded handles that was less than $30.00. Yep, those were my qualifications, and from working in the accessories business, I felt like those were rather high. If you are unaware of this fact, the trend in purses now is for them to be big. Really big. Diaper-bag big. Pack your entire life big. You get the picture. Bigger is better right now in the purse world. I don't like big purses. They are too heavy and provide too much temptation for putting more stuff in them than needed, thus making them even heavier. My other qualification was short rounded handles. I spend a lot of holding my purse in my hand instead of over my shoulder, and rounded handles are the most comfortable to hold in your hand. They also need to be fairly short so you aren't dragging your purse behind you if you are holding it down by your side.
So I started my mission. The first place I looked I found one that met my qualifications, but it was a weird taupey-grey color that I wasn't sure about. I didn't have a specific color in mind that I wanted, but I feel like you should be able to positively define the color of your purse for principle's sake. The next store I found one an aqua one I liked, but it turned out to be Italian leather and $55. The next store was a bust. The last store I went to was promising from the start. I found a couple of possibles, and then I saw IT. It was a metallic champagne purse with a flower embellishment on the front. It was the same size as my current purse, and it was $25. Bingo. It doesn't have rounded handles, but the handles are soft enough so they don't hurt my hands. It's different. It's girly. It's me.
Mission accomplished.
May you find joy in accomplishing missions.
Dun dun, du du Dun dun, Dah dun...
My mission today was to get a new purse. The time had come where the handles on my purse were disintegrating, and as much as I loved it and no matter how perfect it was, I knew the time had come to find a replacement. I am a one-purse kind of woman. I have one purse which I carry everywhere for a couple of years until it wears out, and then I find a new purse to carry for the next couple of years. I don't have a different purse for every outfit or every occasion. Because of this, I really need to like my one purse.
I felt like I had high expectations when I left. I wanted a smallish sized purse with short rounded handles that was less than $30.00. Yep, those were my qualifications, and from working in the accessories business, I felt like those were rather high. If you are unaware of this fact, the trend in purses now is for them to be big. Really big. Diaper-bag big. Pack your entire life big. You get the picture. Bigger is better right now in the purse world. I don't like big purses. They are too heavy and provide too much temptation for putting more stuff in them than needed, thus making them even heavier. My other qualification was short rounded handles. I spend a lot of holding my purse in my hand instead of over my shoulder, and rounded handles are the most comfortable to hold in your hand. They also need to be fairly short so you aren't dragging your purse behind you if you are holding it down by your side.
So I started my mission. The first place I looked I found one that met my qualifications, but it was a weird taupey-grey color that I wasn't sure about. I didn't have a specific color in mind that I wanted, but I feel like you should be able to positively define the color of your purse for principle's sake. The next store I found one an aqua one I liked, but it turned out to be Italian leather and $55. The next store was a bust. The last store I went to was promising from the start. I found a couple of possibles, and then I saw IT. It was a metallic champagne purse with a flower embellishment on the front. It was the same size as my current purse, and it was $25. Bingo. It doesn't have rounded handles, but the handles are soft enough so they don't hurt my hands. It's different. It's girly. It's me.
Mission accomplished.
May you find joy in accomplishing missions.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Day 86
I was sitting in my parent's living room, trying to read "The Pleasures of Reading in the Age of Distraction." Ironically, I couldn't focus on it because I was too distracted. My parent's house felt like grand central station during rush hour. Every couple of minutes Tucker would come bouncing in, try to play with me for a minute and then go bouncing out to watch mom mop the floor, which apparently was much more exciting. My sister left, then came back, and then left again when her boyfriend arrived, which was after my brother got home and right before he left again. You could see why I was a little distracted. Once it quieted down a bit I started up again, and I came across this great quote:
"The critic said that once a year he read Kim; and he read Kim, it was plain, at whim: not to teach, not to criticize, just for love--he read it, as Kipling wrote it, just because he liked to, wanted to, couldn't help himself. To him it wasn't a means to a lecture or article, it was an end; he read it not for anything he could get out of it, but for itself. And isn't this what the work of art demands of us? The work of art, Rilke said, says to us always: You must change your life. It demands of us that we too see things as ends, not as means--that we too know them and love them for their own sake. This change is beyond us, perhaps, during the active, greedy, and powerful hours of our lives; but during the contemplative and sympathetic hours our our reading, our listening, our looking, it is surely within our power, if we choose to make it so, if we choose to let one part of our nature follow its natural desires. So I say to you, for a closing sentence, Read at whim! Read at whim!"
May you find joy in reading at whim.
"The critic said that once a year he read Kim; and he read Kim, it was plain, at whim: not to teach, not to criticize, just for love--he read it, as Kipling wrote it, just because he liked to, wanted to, couldn't help himself. To him it wasn't a means to a lecture or article, it was an end; he read it not for anything he could get out of it, but for itself. And isn't this what the work of art demands of us? The work of art, Rilke said, says to us always: You must change your life. It demands of us that we too see things as ends, not as means--that we too know them and love them for their own sake. This change is beyond us, perhaps, during the active, greedy, and powerful hours of our lives; but during the contemplative and sympathetic hours our our reading, our listening, our looking, it is surely within our power, if we choose to make it so, if we choose to let one part of our nature follow its natural desires. So I say to you, for a closing sentence, Read at whim! Read at whim!"
May you find joy in reading at whim.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Day 85
Last week, my parent's puppy put a couple of holes in my fingers while we were playing. Those healed up nicely just in time for one of his teeth to tear a gash in that same hand last night, again while we were playing. The little guy is not doing it on purpose, but we are all counting the days until he loses his razor sharp baby teeth. Moral of the story: Do not play with the puppy if you do not want to see blood. Second moral of the story: Love hurts.
I know that I have talked about the puppy in reference to joy before, but I am going to do it again. I think that a dog's outlooks on life can teach us a lot about ourselves, especially in our relationship with God, but that's another sermon for another day. Today I am going to tell you about Tucker in the garden.
A few days ago I went over to my parent's house to pick up a few things, and eventually my mom, Tucker, and I all ended up outside. My parent's have a raised garden bed and my mom and I were sitting on the edge of it. Tucker absolutely loves jumping on top of the garden, and before long he joined us up there. First of all he was lying in the dirt chewing on his stick. Then he started rolling around until he was covered in dust and leaf debris. You could tell that he was just as happy as a clam. Once the rolling was completed he started working on a hole that was half-finished in the corner. He would dig a little bit, then lay in the hole and bury his face in the dirt, decide that it needed to be a little bigger and dig some more, and then repeat the laying down and head burying with some sneezing intermingled when dirt got in his nose. I enjoyed just watching him.
Tucker's life is not complicated; his main objectives at this point are to be a dog who provides companionship, protection and entertainment and to not destroy things that he is not supposed to. Simply enough, but with two important lessons for us. Lesson number one: Tucker doesn't fight who he is or his purpose in life, even though it's not that exciting. He doesn't question why he was put in that house with that backyard or why he has to eat that food, or why he can't be a guide dog or a dog with a more important job in life. Um, do I ever do that? Lesson number two: Tucker thinks that everything in his world is interesting, exciting, and fun to play with. You can tell that he truly enjoys life. Yesterday when I was putting a band-aid on my hand Tucker was watching me like I was about to reveal the secret of the universe. I wish I could live with that much enthusiasm for EVERYTHING.
I love dogs, and I love the lessons that I learn from dogs. I could probably write a book on them. Maybe one day I will.
May you find joy in learning from your pets.
I know that I have talked about the puppy in reference to joy before, but I am going to do it again. I think that a dog's outlooks on life can teach us a lot about ourselves, especially in our relationship with God, but that's another sermon for another day. Today I am going to tell you about Tucker in the garden.
A few days ago I went over to my parent's house to pick up a few things, and eventually my mom, Tucker, and I all ended up outside. My parent's have a raised garden bed and my mom and I were sitting on the edge of it. Tucker absolutely loves jumping on top of the garden, and before long he joined us up there. First of all he was lying in the dirt chewing on his stick. Then he started rolling around until he was covered in dust and leaf debris. You could tell that he was just as happy as a clam. Once the rolling was completed he started working on a hole that was half-finished in the corner. He would dig a little bit, then lay in the hole and bury his face in the dirt, decide that it needed to be a little bigger and dig some more, and then repeat the laying down and head burying with some sneezing intermingled when dirt got in his nose. I enjoyed just watching him.
Tucker's life is not complicated; his main objectives at this point are to be a dog who provides companionship, protection and entertainment and to not destroy things that he is not supposed to. Simply enough, but with two important lessons for us. Lesson number one: Tucker doesn't fight who he is or his purpose in life, even though it's not that exciting. He doesn't question why he was put in that house with that backyard or why he has to eat that food, or why he can't be a guide dog or a dog with a more important job in life. Um, do I ever do that? Lesson number two: Tucker thinks that everything in his world is interesting, exciting, and fun to play with. You can tell that he truly enjoys life. Yesterday when I was putting a band-aid on my hand Tucker was watching me like I was about to reveal the secret of the universe. I wish I could live with that much enthusiasm for EVERYTHING.
I love dogs, and I love the lessons that I learn from dogs. I could probably write a book on them. Maybe one day I will.
May you find joy in learning from your pets.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Day 84
All in all, it was one of those days where everything clicks into place with an added dollop of whipped cream and a cherry on top. If only every day could be like this.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Day 83
Another weekend has flown by.
Another weekend full of family, friends, Jesus, games, fellowship, food, and fun.
Another weekend that reminded me just how blessed I am.
May you find joy in weekends.
Another weekend full of family, friends, Jesus, games, fellowship, food, and fun.
Another weekend that reminded me just how blessed I am.
May you find joy in weekends.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Day 82
It finally happened. I kept clinging to the hope that one day it would, and today was today. Yes, people, today I vacuumed.
Okay, okay, I realize that maybe you were looking for something a little more momentous, something with a little more dazzle or spice. Well, I'm sorry if you're not as excited about vacuuming as I am. If it helps I also shook the rugs, swept, dusted, and mopped, but the thing I was most excited about was the vacuuming.
I realize at this point you probably think that I am a complete slob who vacuumed for the first time in my married life today. Not so. My goal is to clean the house at least once a week along with tidying up on an as-needed bases. But a long series of events have kept me from my regular cleaning for several weeks. It doesn't take me that long to clean, about an hour usually, so you can imagine how frustrating it is to know that I only need an hour to make the apartment beautiful again and being unable to find that hour. Simply put, I've been busy. It would have been easy to let it slide again today because I went from having a completely free afternoon to working all afternoon, but I had had enough. I needed to clean if it killed me. I found a twenty minute slot and a twenty-five minute slot and made the most of them. There are still things that need done, but it is so much better, and I am so much happier.
May you find joy in cleaning.
Okay, okay, I realize that maybe you were looking for something a little more momentous, something with a little more dazzle or spice. Well, I'm sorry if you're not as excited about vacuuming as I am. If it helps I also shook the rugs, swept, dusted, and mopped, but the thing I was most excited about was the vacuuming.
I realize at this point you probably think that I am a complete slob who vacuumed for the first time in my married life today. Not so. My goal is to clean the house at least once a week along with tidying up on an as-needed bases. But a long series of events have kept me from my regular cleaning for several weeks. It doesn't take me that long to clean, about an hour usually, so you can imagine how frustrating it is to know that I only need an hour to make the apartment beautiful again and being unable to find that hour. Simply put, I've been busy. It would have been easy to let it slide again today because I went from having a completely free afternoon to working all afternoon, but I had had enough. I needed to clean if it killed me. I found a twenty minute slot and a twenty-five minute slot and made the most of them. There are still things that need done, but it is so much better, and I am so much happier.
May you find joy in cleaning.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Day 81
It was not a good morning. The alarm went off at 4:53, I opened my eyes, and immediately I felt depressed. Now, I wake up to Tenth Avenue North, and nobody should wake up depressed to Tenth Avenue North. There was nothing unusual about today that should have caused this attitude, but there it was all the same. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to go to work. I didn't want to go grocery shopping. I didn't want to freeze the ridiculous amount of meat that I bought yesterday. I didn't want to do anything.
It's awful to wake up this way. As you know I have a hard enough time waking up as it is, and adding a rotten attitude on top of it doesn't help a bit. I did a lot of praying at work today, and it helped some. My attitude improved as the day wore on, thanks mostly to my wonderful husband who rubbed some of the knots out of my neck, made me iced coffee, and helped make dinner, but unfortunately I didn't experience the level of joy I was hoping for. I guess I just get frustrated sometimes. I feel like after being a Christian for so long and especially since joy is something I'm focused on right now that it should come easier on days like today. I feel like I should be better at fighting bad attitudes and turning them around. I guess it's a good thing that I still have 285 days to go, because I might need them.
May you find joy on bad attitude days.
It's awful to wake up this way. As you know I have a hard enough time waking up as it is, and adding a rotten attitude on top of it doesn't help a bit. I did a lot of praying at work today, and it helped some. My attitude improved as the day wore on, thanks mostly to my wonderful husband who rubbed some of the knots out of my neck, made me iced coffee, and helped make dinner, but unfortunately I didn't experience the level of joy I was hoping for. I guess I just get frustrated sometimes. I feel like after being a Christian for so long and especially since joy is something I'm focused on right now that it should come easier on days like today. I feel like I should be better at fighting bad attitudes and turning them around. I guess it's a good thing that I still have 285 days to go, because I might need them.
May you find joy on bad attitude days.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Day 80
On our drive to and from California I experienced something new in interstate driving. Never before have I driven so far and have seen so few other cars on the road. While we were driving during the day there was the normal amount of traffic, but once the sun went down the highways both going and coming got deserted. During one hour-long stretch I saw one other vehicle on our side of the highway. It was a strange sensation to say the least.
During most of the trip my husband and I listened to books on tape, but there was one part of the trip where the section had ended and I didn't switch to the next one, and my husband was asleep, and all around me was vast, empty, dark space. Every once in a while I would see the outline of a bluff or hill, but mostly it was just darkness. Silence and darkness, the two things that most awake people try to avoid if possible. But I kind of liked it. It gave me time to think and pray without distraction. I find that it is so much easier to hear God when He is not drowned out by the over-stimulation which embodies American culture. Even if I set aside a time to be with Him and be quiet, in the back of my mind there is usually lurking the next thing that needs to get done. But when I was driving on that deserted stretch of I-70 there was nothing distracting me, nothing else that I could be doing. It was an ideal situation to listen to God, and listen I did. The time was sweet, if too short. Unfortunately, the pressing need to fill up the gas tank at the only station for the next 100 miles ended our conversation. I hope to continue it soon.
May you find joy in listening to God.
During most of the trip my husband and I listened to books on tape, but there was one part of the trip where the section had ended and I didn't switch to the next one, and my husband was asleep, and all around me was vast, empty, dark space. Every once in a while I would see the outline of a bluff or hill, but mostly it was just darkness. Silence and darkness, the two things that most awake people try to avoid if possible. But I kind of liked it. It gave me time to think and pray without distraction. I find that it is so much easier to hear God when He is not drowned out by the over-stimulation which embodies American culture. Even if I set aside a time to be with Him and be quiet, in the back of my mind there is usually lurking the next thing that needs to get done. But when I was driving on that deserted stretch of I-70 there was nothing distracting me, nothing else that I could be doing. It was an ideal situation to listen to God, and listen I did. The time was sweet, if too short. Unfortunately, the pressing need to fill up the gas tank at the only station for the next 100 miles ended our conversation. I hope to continue it soon.
May you find joy in listening to God.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Day 79
The day was warm with a gentle breeze slipping through the palm, pine, and cherry trees. The air was perfumed with freesia, orchids, cherry blossoms, and an array of other flowers. The stream splashed over the rocks and under the red bridge adorned with deep blue hydrangeas.

It was a beautiful day for a wedding.
I've been to a fair share of weddings, and I think this one was one of the best. Not only was the location gorgeous, the food was excellent and the bride and groom accessible, but on top of that it was just plain fun! The number of guests was smaller than most weddings I have been to, but because of that it felt more intimate and I felt comfortable talking to people I didn't know, of which there were many. One of the best things was the photo booth they rented for the reception--a great idea that I am going to recommend to friends who are getting married.
There is a lot of time, money, and effort that goes into planning a wedding, and it is always nice to see when it is done well. The guests have a good time, the bride and groom have a good time, and it gives a wonderful start to two people beginning their lives together. The last couple of days have been a whirlwind for my husband and I, but we are so blessed to have been able to make the trip out to California to see our friends get married. God is good and God is faithful.
May you find joy in weddings.
It was a beautiful day for a wedding.
I've been to a fair share of weddings, and I think this one was one of the best. Not only was the location gorgeous, the food was excellent and the bride and groom accessible, but on top of that it was just plain fun! The number of guests was smaller than most weddings I have been to, but because of that it felt more intimate and I felt comfortable talking to people I didn't know, of which there were many. One of the best things was the photo booth they rented for the reception--a great idea that I am going to recommend to friends who are getting married.
There is a lot of time, money, and effort that goes into planning a wedding, and it is always nice to see when it is done well. The guests have a good time, the bride and groom have a good time, and it gives a wonderful start to two people beginning their lives together. The last couple of days have been a whirlwind for my husband and I, but we are so blessed to have been able to make the trip out to California to see our friends get married. God is good and God is faithful.
May you find joy in weddings.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Day 78
My last two days have been a little crazy. On Wednesday night I had a Pampered Chef party, and then I slept for about five and a half hours, woke up at 5:00, worked until 10:30 am, came home and packed and cleaned, left for California four hours earlier than planned, drove eighteen hours overnight and slept a total of about four hours over three different times, arrived in Pasadena around 10:00 am, took another nap, ate lunch at In-N-Out, went to Trader Joe's, attempted to go to Borders to get their awesome hot chocolate, and watched parts of The Godfather throughout the entire afternoon. Whew. I'm tired. But I'm so grateful to God that we made it safely to beautiful Pasadena and are able to celebrate this special occasion with our friends. It's only because of God's provision that we are able to take this fun weekend get-away and I am thankful for that.
May you find joy in weekend get-aways.
May you find joy in weekend get-aways.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Day 77
Tomorrow my husband and I leave for California to attend his best friend's wedding. So today I went shopping for the trip. While wandering around collecting road-trip munchies and paraphernalia, I came across my friend who works there. We chatted for about ten minutes, and then I continued my wandering while he continued stacking dog treats on the end cap.
I don't know why it is, but I love seeing people I know while I'm working. If I see someone I know while I'm out and about that's great, but if I see them at Kohl's while I'm working then I've hit the jackpot. I think a lot of people are like this. There is something extra special that happens when someone comes to where you work. For me, it provides a highlight in the midst of monotonous tasks. I usually keep working if I run into someone I know so that I don't waste company time, but the work is more interesting with someone to talk to. Yesterday, my brother stopped by for just a moment while I was at work and it made me happy. He didn't stay for long, but it was good just to see him.
I'm glad I ran into my friend today. It provided a highlight for me and I hope that it provided a highlight for him. Sometimes it's so easy to encourage someone you know and all you have to do is stop by their work for a quick hello.
May you find joy in seeing friends while you work.
I don't know why it is, but I love seeing people I know while I'm working. If I see someone I know while I'm out and about that's great, but if I see them at Kohl's while I'm working then I've hit the jackpot. I think a lot of people are like this. There is something extra special that happens when someone comes to where you work. For me, it provides a highlight in the midst of monotonous tasks. I usually keep working if I run into someone I know so that I don't waste company time, but the work is more interesting with someone to talk to. Yesterday, my brother stopped by for just a moment while I was at work and it made me happy. He didn't stay for long, but it was good just to see him.
I'm glad I ran into my friend today. It provided a highlight for me and I hope that it provided a highlight for him. Sometimes it's so easy to encourage someone you know and all you have to do is stop by their work for a quick hello.
May you find joy in seeing friends while you work.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Day 76
It was a long day today. It was eight hours on my feet at work followed by a three hour class. It was not without joy, however. At work we have some tables with merchandise on them that always get destroyed. It usually looks like someone took every piece of clothing and tossed them in the air, and then crammed them back on the tables. It's not pretty. I spent about four hours today organizing those tables. I was reminded while working on them that our God is a God of order, and so I organized them to the glory of God. I'm sure when I go in on Thursday they will look pretty much how they always look. However, for one afternoon those tables were organized and beautiful.
May you find joy in beautifully organized things.
May you find joy in beautifully organized things.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Day 75
There seems to have been lots of significant news in my life recently. Not in my life precisely, but in the lives of people I know which in turn affects me. It seems like sometimes you can go for months at a time without anything exciting happening, and then suddenly everything happens at once. This feels like an everything-happening-at-once time. Some of it is good news and some of it is bad news, but in either case things are happening. I must confess that I like these times more than the slow times. I have a problem of getting bored easily and that causes a spiral of over-commitment and eventual burn-out. I know the cycle, but I still do it if I start getting bored. In my opinion anything is better than being bored. That's why I like the "things are happening" times; they keep things interesting.
I don't think that it is a coincidence that I am learning about prayer in my seminary class this month while all these things are happening. God is teaching me how to pray, and then He is providing lots of things to practice on. It's a good thing, too, because I realize that I need lots of practice. It's such a privilege to see God work in my life and in the lives of people I know and love. It's also a privilege to come confidently before the throne of grace with my needs and requests and know that God hears me and delights in answering me. May you find joy in prayer
I don't think that it is a coincidence that I am learning about prayer in my seminary class this month while all these things are happening. God is teaching me how to pray, and then He is providing lots of things to practice on. It's a good thing, too, because I realize that I need lots of practice. It's such a privilege to see God work in my life and in the lives of people I know and love. It's also a privilege to come confidently before the throne of grace with my needs and requests and know that God hears me and delights in answering me. May you find joy in prayer
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Day 74
I know that worship is about God and not about us. I know that we should pick worship songs based on what God likes and not on what we like. I know that if we worship simply to get an emotional high that we've missed the point. I know that we are the creatures and God is the creator and we worship Him because it is what He deserves, and because it is one way we show our love and gratefulness to Him.
I know all that.
I also know that I love the song, "Here in Your Presence".
That song moves me whenever I hear it. Heaven is closer when I sing it, and I just want to keep on singing it forever. If you don't know the song, here are the lyrics:
Found in Your hands, fullness of joy
Every fear suddenly wiped away
Here in Your presence
All of my gains now fade away
Every crown no longer on display,
Here in Your presence
Heaven is trembling in awe of Your wonders
The kings and their kingdom are standing amazed
Here in Your presence, we are undone
Here in Your presence, Heaven and Earth become one
Here in Your presence, all things are new
Here in Your presence, everything bows before You
Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way
Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way
Worship should not move us merely to an empty emotional state, but worship should move us. If we could see God sitting before us as our audience when we worship we would be moved. God is our audience when we worship, only we cannot see Him, and that is hard for deeply visual people like ourselves. Jesus rebuked Thomas for believing only after he saw with his eyes; will we be rebuked for not believing because we haven't seen? "Here in Your Presence" helps me bridge the gap. I think that is why I like it so much. It reminds me that I am in the presence of God and that He is right here right now. I am not singing to the ceiling or to the wall--I am singing to God himself. And I love that. In His presence my gains do fade away and my crowns aren't on display. He wipes away my fears and I truly find fullness of joy. I am undone.
May you find the fullness of joy in the presence of God.
I know all that.
I also know that I love the song, "Here in Your Presence".
That song moves me whenever I hear it. Heaven is closer when I sing it, and I just want to keep on singing it forever. If you don't know the song, here are the lyrics:
Found in Your hands, fullness of joy
Every fear suddenly wiped away
Here in Your presence
All of my gains now fade away
Every crown no longer on display,
Here in Your presence
Heaven is trembling in awe of Your wonders
The kings and their kingdom are standing amazed
Here in Your presence, we are undone
Here in Your presence, Heaven and Earth become one
Here in Your presence, all things are new
Here in Your presence, everything bows before You
Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way
Wonderful, beautiful, glorious, matchless in every way
Worship should not move us merely to an empty emotional state, but worship should move us. If we could see God sitting before us as our audience when we worship we would be moved. God is our audience when we worship, only we cannot see Him, and that is hard for deeply visual people like ourselves. Jesus rebuked Thomas for believing only after he saw with his eyes; will we be rebuked for not believing because we haven't seen? "Here in Your Presence" helps me bridge the gap. I think that is why I like it so much. It reminds me that I am in the presence of God and that He is right here right now. I am not singing to the ceiling or to the wall--I am singing to God himself. And I love that. In His presence my gains do fade away and my crowns aren't on display. He wipes away my fears and I truly find fullness of joy. I am undone.
May you find the fullness of joy in the presence of God.
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