It was not a good morning. The alarm went off at 4:53, I opened my eyes, and immediately I felt depressed. Now, I wake up to Tenth Avenue North, and nobody should wake up depressed to Tenth Avenue North. There was nothing unusual about today that should have caused this attitude, but there it was all the same. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to go to work. I didn't want to go grocery shopping. I didn't want to freeze the ridiculous amount of meat that I bought yesterday. I didn't want to do anything.
It's awful to wake up this way. As you know I have a hard enough time waking up as it is, and adding a rotten attitude on top of it doesn't help a bit. I did a lot of praying at work today, and it helped some. My attitude improved as the day wore on, thanks mostly to my wonderful husband who rubbed some of the knots out of my neck, made me iced coffee, and helped make dinner, but unfortunately I didn't experience the level of joy I was hoping for. I guess I just get frustrated sometimes. I feel like after being a Christian for so long and especially since joy is something I'm focused on right now that it should come easier on days like today. I feel like I should be better at fighting bad attitudes and turning them around. I guess it's a good thing that I still have 285 days to go, because I might need them.
May you find joy on bad attitude days.
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