To start off your weekend, I'll share a story with you. Feel free to laugh at me.
My dad and brother returned last night and my mom asked me to pick up some milk for them. So this morning I hopped in my car and drove the three minutes over to the local milk store. I was just about there when out of the corner of my eye I see a spider dangling from the ceiling. Right next to my head.
I didn't react very well.
I guess a better way to put it was that I screamed like bloody murder and started flailing.
Now, let me interject here with my history of spiders. I don't like spiders, I never have. When I was little they terrified me, but as I have gotten older I feel like I have a more mature attitude about them now. They don't freak me out like they used to. I even killed one just the other day that was crawling across the cutting board where I was preparing dinner. (Lesson: Don't mess with Katie when she's cooking). A few years ago they got replaced as number one on my most hated bug list with moths. (And yes, I know that spiders aren't technically bugs for you smarty pants out there.) So overall I feel like I have gotten over, or at least made strides in getting over my fear of spiders. Until today.
In hindsight, I definitely could have handled it better. However, there are several advantages to hindsight, the most obvious being that I am not sitting in a car with a dangling spider inches from my head. I mean, something that small has to be pretty close to you for your peripheral vision to catch it. After my intinial flail the spider disappeared, which of course freaked me out more. The only thing worse than a spider dangling over you is one that was dangling over you and has now disappeared. As soon as I got to the store I got out of my car and started shaking all of my clothes out and brushing at my head in case it landed there. I was in a public place so I tried not to make a big scene, but I also didn't want a spider crawling across my face when I was getting milk, either. When I got back to the car I made a careful inspection and didn't see anything, but once I got home I shook out my clothes again and more thoroughly shook out my hair. I'm pretty confidant that I am spider-free at the moment. It got me a little frazzled, though, let me tell you. I'm better now.
Well, that's my story. I hope you enjoyed it and have a glorious weekend.
May you find joy in funny stories.
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