I think you people are pretty awesome for reading my blog, so I am going let you in on a little secret. There is a band that is about to go big, and I want you to know so that you can be ahead of the wave and therefore be the "cool kids" once everyone else is doing it. Really, it's the least I can do.
The band is called "Katie and the Rabid Gnomes." And yes, I happen to be part of this band. The other band members consist of my husband and brother. We have really cool t-shirts and bumper stickers. Once the domain name comes free we will have a really cool website, too. And a really cool facebook page. I would describe our music style to you, but our hit single has yet to be released. If we want any chance of remaining popular, I think we had better keep it that way. Overall, we're just pretty cool. If you want to be pretty cool, too, than you should jump on the bandwagon.

Since you are intelligent people, you might be wondering why we have a band if we haven't created any music. Good question. The answer is quite simple. One day my husband, brother, and I were playing around with the photo effects in photobooth on my brother's Mac. We took one picture that was a perfect band picture, so therefore, we had to create a band. You can't have a band picture without a band; that's just silly. Bands, of course, have to have names, and then after that came the t-shirts and the bumper stickers and the adoring fans. It's all pretty straight-forward. We tried recording a song but really that's not our strong-point, so why ruin a good thing? We like to focus on what we're good at, which is taking cool band pictures and making paraphernalia.
So there you have it. I hope you all will be the trendsetters for Katie and the Rabid Gnomes before it becomes so mainstream that everyone else becomes a wanna-be. This is your chance, people, to be really cool.
May you find joy in the little things.
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