Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 123

Over the last couple of weeks there has been something that I have been thinking about a lot.  It started when my husband and I were in Michigan for a wedding and then in Minnesota visiting his family.  It was a fast trip: a few days here, a few days there, we never spent more than two nights in the same bed.  We visited lots of wonderful people and even made made some new relationships.  But I kept thinking to myself, "If only we had more time.  If only we could spend a week with each group instead of a few hours or a day." If only.

I know many, many wonderful people.  They fill my life.  I see them at church, at small group, at Ignite, at work, at parties, at picnics and when visiting family. I am truly blessed by the people in my life. Not only that, I meet lots of people as well, many people that I would like to get to know better. But in spite of all that, there are also many, many wonderful people that I don't know well or don't know at all.  This saddens me.  I want to know everybody, know them well, and I can't do that. It's not physically possible.  I only have 24 hours in my day, and so does everyone else. Even with the people I do know fairly well and see on a regular basis there still never seems to be enough time to spend with them. 

But one day, there will be enough time.  One day, long after our physical bodies have ceased to exist and the old earth has been replaced.  One day, when our days are spent in the presence of our Lord and Savior, worshipping His holy name.  One day, when we are in heaven, there will be enough time.  There will be forever.  We could spend a thousand years with one person and still have forever.  We could spend a million years with another person and still have forever. We will have forever. For all the disappointment that this life brings, there is hope for us in the next.  One day, there will be enough time to get to know all the wonderful people.  And my hope is that you will be there, and that I will be able to spend a long enough time with you.

May you find joy in a future hope.

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