Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 25

The Joy of Sunday Morning: Part 4


One of the lesser thought-of joys that takes place at a church service is ministry. This does not just apply to the pastor and the worship team, but to the dozens of people who serve as greeters, ushers, nursery workers, Sunday School teachers, A/V personel, janitors, and in the numerous other jobs where people serve. It is a joy to serve others, and it is also a joy to be served.

Every Christian is part of the Body of Christ. We all have a responsibility to be a part of a local church and to use the gifts that God has blessed us with to serve other believers. This is what God has equipped us to do, but it is not mearly a duty. Serving others can and should bring us great joy. We all have a unique part to play, and no one else can fulfill our part better than we can. When we serve in the way that God intended, not only do we bless others, we also bring glory to Him. I know first-hand the blessings and joy that comes from serving. Yes, sometimes it's inconvenient and sometimes there's no glory in the task, but that's not the point. The point is that when you obey God and serve Him, He will bless you for your obedience. No one else on earth might know what you have done, but God knows, and that's what matters. And that should bring you joy.

The other side of ministry is being on the receiving end. Everyone knows the saying, "It's better to give than to receive," but I don't think that's true in this situation. Yes, it is a blessing to minister to others, but it is also a blessing when someone ministers to you. Think about the worship team that can sing so much better than you, or play instruments that they are talented with. Think about your pastor who can preach with wisdom and insight, about nursery workers who care for children so their parents can listen to the service without interruption, and for the janitors who keep the building clean. This is a blessing to us, is it not? And, it should bring us joy when we are blessed by other people fulfilling their role in the body of Christ.

Serve and be served. Minister and be ministered to. This is the way the body of Christ was intended to work, and we all have our part to play.

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