Tonight I am watching "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" while doing a list of random things that need done. I really like that movie, and was surprised to find out that we own it. As many times as I have looked through Phil's movies I thought I would have seen it before now, but no. However, I am glad to finally make that lovely discovery.
The plot of the movie has a lot of twists and turns, but basic plot should be familiar to you. It's taken from another story that is centuries old. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well then, let me help you. There are a group of cursed pirates who are the living dead. Nothing satisfies them: they are hungry but food never fills them up. They are thirsty but drinking never quenches their thirst. They are skeletons which cannot die to end their agony. In order to end their curse, they need the blood of one man, the son of one of their fellow pirates, to fall on the treasure that they have stolen. When that happens, they become alive again.
Now does it sound familiar? It should: It's the gospel in a nutshell. We were the living dead. We were alive and yet dead in our sin. Nothing on earth could satisfy our deepest need. We needed someone to take away sin's curse, and only one man was able to do that, the Son of God Jesus Christ. He spilled His blood so that we could live again.
There you go: the Gospel according to Pirates of the Caribbean. It's not a perfect analogy, but no analogy ever is. I was just thrilled to find the gospel in a secular movie. I wonder where else it is and if I've missed it.
May you find joy in discovering the gospel.
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