Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 69

The only reason we can know and experience joy is because we know and experience the opposites of joy.  Sadness. Fear. Heartache. Depression.  Pain.  We don't need a blog to tell us how to find these things in our lives because they are the unwanted guests that pop up uninvited all too often. However, as unwelcome as they are they do serve a purpose.  Although I can't prove this, I have observed that the deeper the level of pain and sadness that a person goes through in life, greater is the level of joy they can experience.  The joy is sweeter on the rougher roads.

This week my family experienced one of the hard things that we all go through in life.  My uncle was in a serious bike accident and spent most of the week in the hospital, some of it in ICU.  For a couple of days it looked pretty serious, and there were some thoughts that this might be the end. By God's grace it looks like the worst is over, although recovery will probably be slow.

Like everybody, I don't like it when stuff like that happens. It's scary. It's hard.  It reminds you that life is fragile and that it can be snuffed out in the blink of an eye.  I hate waiting around for a phone call that I don't want to get. I've been there and I've done that and I don't want to do it again, although I know I will.  It's life.

The one thing I've learned when going through hard things like this is that God is faithful. I heard a quote recently that said, "If you were completely loving, wise, and sovereign, you would run the world exactly the way that God does."  I like that.  It's a good reminder that God's in control so that I don't need to be.  I don't need to know why or how it's going to turn out; all I need to do is trust Him, and He will take care of the rest.

May you find joy in the hard times.

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