Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 38

Yesterday I had a good day at work. Most days at work are so-so; nothing really exciting happens, except maybe getting all of the new accessory freight processed and put away.  But yesterday was a good day because I was able to help people who needed help.  I helped three customers right in a row, and although it did not require much effort on my part, all three were exceedingly grateful.  It was a good reminder for me: It does not always require a lot of effort to help someone, and it requires even less effort to let someone know that you are grateful for their help. Because of those three people telling me thank you, and some words from a manager that let me know he appreciated my hard work, I had a good day at work.  It was as simple as that.

I could go on, but I have to leave in ten minutes and it's amazing I got as far as I did. Thank you for reading my blog.  I greatly appreciate it.

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