Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 35

This last weekend was a joy. 

Thanksgiving was very nice with my extended family.

Working twelve hours on Black Friday was a little less nice.

But then came the wonderful part.

After I got off of work on Friday night, my husband and I headed up to the mountains to spend the weekend with my family at my parent's cabin. We talked. We played games. We ate delicious food.  We hiked. We shot guns.  We read books.  But most importantly, we were together.

The quote at the beginning of my blog says, "But life's joys are only joys if they can be shared." I'm not saying it's impossible to have joy if you cannot share it, but joy is so much richer when you do have someone to share it with you.  My joy this weekend did not come from the fact that I read, ate, played games, shot guns, and hiked.  My joy came from doing those things with people that I love.  Every day I am realizing a little more how important my friends and family are to me, and how much I would miss them if I ever left.  

On my journey of discovering deeper joy, I am finding that the people who surround me play a huge role in that journey.  They do not dictate whether I have it or not, but they do have the power to enhance or detract from it. And on a personal note, I have the power to do that to the people I come in contact with as well. I pray that I will always enhance someone's joy and never detract from it.

May your week be filled with joy.

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