The Joy of Sunday Morning: Part 1
What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear “Sunday morning church service” ? Is it obligation, tradition, or even boring? How do you feel about going to church on Sunday morning, and more importantly, why do you feel that way? Unfortunately, for many people going to church is not the highlight of their week. They might go because they are expected to, or because they want to keep up appearances of being “good Christians.” I found this proverb, and think it is fitting: “Some go to church to see and be seen, Some go there to say they have been, Some go there to sleep and nod, But few go there to worship God”. This is not the way it should be, however, and this is not the way Christ intended us to view it. Christ is madly in love with His Church, His bride, and He calls us to love it as well. The Sunday morning service is just one aspect of what the Church of Christ Jesus is, but it is a fundamental part. A church service brings the family of Christ together to worship God, hear His Word, fellowship with one another, and minister to one another. It is just one setting in which the Body of Christ can perform the tasks that God has called it to do. For this reason, Sunday morning church services should fill us with joy. Do they?
This is the first part of a five part series on this subject. I love going to church on Sunday mornings, and I hope that everyone who reads this blog does as well. Gathering together with the body of Christ is a privilege, and the fact that we can do it so easily and without threat or danger in this country is an added blessing. I have broken down the things that take place on a typical Sunday morning into four categories, and will look at each of them in turn. I pray that you will be edified and encouraged with this series.
Note: I realize that many churches offer services on alternative days and times than just on Sunday mornings. Please realize that I am just using "Sunday morning" as a general term for going to a church service, since that is the most widely recognized.
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